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Sparck is now part of CGI.
Sparck is now part of CGI.

Every photo needs a subject

Define your subject before you shoot

Workshops are full of lots of people, boards, tables, post it’s & lego people. This means that a lot of shot’s lack a singular subject this waters the narrative down.

What to aim for

All things design thinking are littered with photos of post it’s so they’re not that interesting to look at anymore.

Try to make the shot dynamic with a primary & secondary subject.

Always focus on the notes so that they’re readable, but try not to shoot them straight on.

Pick out one person

And make sure you focus on them.

Find the details

Focus in on tiny details. Don’t be afraid to get up close and personal.

Define your subject

Clearer subject

Photograph of people in a workshop

Unclear subject, equal hierarchy

Photograph of people in a workshop
Over the shoulder

Clearer subject, readable details

People writing on post-it notes during a workshop

Weak subject, unreadable details

People writing on post-it notes during a workshop
Use soft lighting

Hard light

Photograph of Melanie

Soft light

Photograph of Davide
Try to avoid

Unclear subject, poor quality

Person presenting at a workshop

Obviously posed

Photo of people writing on whiteboard
Also avoid
  • Quite an uninteresting shot
  • The subject has a lot of noise behind them
  • You can’t read the post it notes
  • Weak subject, unreadable details
  • Hard light
  • Panoramas
  • Obviously posed
  • Unclear subject, equal hierarchy
People looking at post-it notes on a wall
Pictures of People

People are the core of who we are and why we do what we do.

So if you think you’ve taken enough photo’s of people take even more.

Try to get them looking natural rather than posed (long lenses help with this).

Oh and never use panoramas

Unless you’re taking a photo of a sunset in Mykonos don’t do ’em

Panorama photo of a workshop