SPARCK Superpowers
Design Thinking in light of now

A ‘non-designers’ introduction to creative problem solving.
Now more than ever before we need to focus our energy on creating the Future.
Healthcare. Politics. The Economy. The Environment. When ‘Business as usual’ is no longer an option and the way forward is unclear, how do we look at the world in new ways, with fresh ideas to face the many challenges ahead?
This session is a first step for ‘non-designers’ who are curious about Design Thinking — a structured approach to creative problem solving used by Design-led companies like Apple, Google, IBM and Nike.
In it, we’ll explore ‘The Why, what and how’ of Design Thinking, demystifying the mindsets and methods whilst giving practical insights into how they can be applied to create innovation and solve complex problems.
And we’ll show how it can be used not only to create great Products and Services, but also to overcome the daily challenges we face on a personal level.
Join us, flex your creative muscles and help create a better tomorrow.
About the speaker
Paul Bailey is a Digital Consultant at SPARCK, the strategic Design Agency of the UK’s largest independent IT consultancy, BJSS.
He’s been planning, prototyping and designing digital products and services for over 20 years and has co-created innovative solutions for some of the UK’s largest organisations and Government departments.
A self-confessed Typothermiac and a bit of a geek, when not thinking about human-centred design he spends his time as #DesignThinkingDad coming up with ingenious ways to entertain his four kids whilst robot-proofing them for the 4th Industrial revolution.