In the past seven weeks, since lockdown in the UK, consumer sentiment and purchasing habits have changed dramatically as we all adjust to our new circumstances. With a prolonged emergence from lockdown looking likely based on plans from Spain and France, traditional methods of delivering value are under further strain. In many respects what we are facing is the largest innovation challenge of our time; reimagining how to connect with and serve customers. This article poses some key questions that can guide firms through alternative ways to provide value to customers and societies.
Same, same but different
For a lot of firms, the primary focus right now is on how to overcome supply chain and distribution challenges in getting existing products to existing customers. This has chiefly been accomplished by altering existing products and services so that they can be consumed either via digital channels or contactless methods. Prime examples of this are gyms shifting to online streaming, restaurants offering contactless delivery or collection, and event organisers running conferences via video.
While important in helping to keep the lights on in the immediate term, solely relying on changes to distribution channels is not going to cut it in providing long-term value for customers. The key reason for this is the social and emotional fulfilment we often seek out when using or buying something. And so, by focusing purely on the functional job to be done we neglect the social and emotional value that does not translate well when switching to contactless services or digital channels. Therefore, in this next phase of recovery, we all need to think beyond switching up the distribution channel if we want to build sustainable products, services and businesses.
This is a time to be creative in how we connect and serve our customers. With this comes the opportunity to deepen relationships, address new customer groups, embrace new technology and think of entirely new ways to create value.
In our call to action for ‘switching it up’ we have focused on five key areas that can help us all to rethink how we identify potential opportunities for creating value in different ways during these uncertain times and beyond:
Pivoting during this crisis relies on identifying what problem you are solving and for whom. Peoples' situations and needs have changed dramatically over the past seven weeks as we entered lockdown and will continue to do so in the coming months as we slowly emerge. New needs are quickly arising and old ones disappearing as this situation continues to affect our health, well being, mobility and financial security. With this shift, you may find gaps in your products and services that were not there before or that your customer is over served in areas as they no longer require certain functionality. Alternatively, you may find that new audiences may now be interested in your services. Not all innovations in this space need to be high-tech either as illustrated by the Women’s Funding Network below.
Questions to ask:
Seek to understand how this situation has impacted your customers' lives and consider what else can be done to help in this time of need.
The shift to digital over the past decade has seen a reframing of competitive boundaries as more firms look to share assets and capabilities to seize opportunities that would have once been out of reach for all parties involved. The rise of multi-sided platforms and ecosystem business models such as AirBnB and Lyft are a testament to this. We are not alone in responding to this crisis and collaborations or partnerships are a great way to access new skills, capabilities, assets, data, branding, networks and routes to market that allow you to better address your customer needs as they rapidly evolve during this time. In short, there has never been a better time or reason to collaborate than now.
Questions to ask:
Ask not what can we do ourselves, but what can we do when working with others to deliver greater benefit to everyone involved?
Social distancing and lockdown measures have upended the way that customers access goods and services. Unpacking this challenge reveals two components:
Questions to ask:
Get creative in think about how to package your product for customers and explore partnerships to open up new distribution channels.
To a large extent, we are starved of our usual social and emotional experience such as socialising, dining out and going to the theatre. These stimulating experiences are hard to recreate during times of social distancing but there is evidence as to how some organisations are seeking to tackle this challenge and provide meaningful, memorable and engaging experiences. While they may not be direct substitutes for the ‘real thing’ they can go a long way to providing that social and emotional value we are so lacking.
Questions to ask:
Leverage your network and lean on your customers' imagination and resourcefulness to create exciting, engaging and shareable experiences.
There are myriad examples of firms switching up their core business to contribute to the global response effort from beverage companies producing hand sanitiser, fashion companies manufacturing masks and hotels converting spare capacity into hospital beds. In some respects, you could include free access to premium features under this banner as well. For example, The Economist is offering free access to Covid-19 coverage and Google has provided free access to “advanced” features for Hangouts Meet to all G Suite and G Suite for Education customers globally through to 1st July. It could be argued that none of these acts are truly selfish, but regardless this question is really about business ethics. With brand reputation at risk, we will all be judged as to how we responded and contributed during this global time of need.
Questions to ask:
We all have a duty to give back during this crisis period, be imaginative in how you too can contribute to helping the greater good.
As we start to emerge from lockdown, organisations need to do more than migrate current offerings to digital channels. Yes, this situation is accelerating digital transformation but digital is far more than just using online channels. It’s about getting the organisation to work in a different way, it’s about using data, experience design and new technology to create new products and services that you didn’t think possible. It would be a crying shame if all that came out of this crisis is that we are now using digital channels to do the same things as before.
No one knows how the future is going to unfold; therefore, this is a time to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit by putting pace and experimentation before perfection and analysis. The five areas above can be used as a prompt to help you rethink the essence of how you define value, the way you choose to deliver it and for whom. We all need to step up and step into what is the greatest innovation challenge of our time and in the words of Winston Churchill, "never let a good crisis go to waste".